Drawing in (almost) December

So…I got my first ‘official’ illustration job: which is both exciting and terrifying…Anyhoo, good news, is I sent the 1st round to the client last night and their response was positive, so yay! Now, I’ve just got to get the whole thing done by the end of the weekend–yikes!

Not to be missed!

1.) The Strumpet Vol 2: NYC Launch Party–Friday, 7 December

2.) Hope Larson Book Signing–Friday 30 November

3.) Ellen Forney‘s interview on NPR

4.) Have you supported The Crystal Mirror yet?

5.) Thom Ferrier’s published a bit o’ holiday cheer


Happy Halloween y'all

Unless, you’ve been living under a rock, you prolly know of 2 major events:


1.) Halloween!!!!

Pumpkins! Sexy costumes! Candy Corn! What could be better? For the 1st time in ages I went to a Halloween (or in this case, pre-halloween) party,  chock full of interesting people: writers, physicists, professional photographers, and french people. Our hostess provided us with an amazing spread of cheeses, bread, wine, and….

tools for pumpkin carving!!! I brought my own pumpkin (smaller is cuter), and after grabbing a good knife & refusing to share, I got to work carving out my ‘masterpiece’. Now, I have carved a pumpkin in nigh on 18 years, and everyone was uber enthusiastic–including my buddy who’d won last year’s contest–so I had some competition. I decided to stick to my strengths and, eschewing the usual ‘face route’, proceeded to carve my usual trademark:


Pumpkin Carving

2.) Hurricane Sandy

Thankfully everyone is okay–a bit of a wild ride, though, as my mom was visiting me and I live on the borderline of zone A & B. My uncle graciously took my mom in to his apartment in midtown manhattan, whilst my roommie & I ‘fled’…er…relocated to Brooklyn, where I was already scheduled to cat sit for my friend. While we never lost power down here, there was definitely major flooding up in my neighborhood, as well as that explosion at the ConEd plant a few blocks away. Not sure when I’ll get back home, so til then, I’m hanging out in another one of my favourite coffee shops–here are some sketches:Huzzah! bannement

Sandy Sketches at Glass Shop

A grand merci to everyone who’s checked in or sent well wishes. If you’d like to donate to the red cross, here ya go.

Life begins again in the fall-F Scott Fitzgerald

So the summer is practically over and what a summer it was–some of the highlights include: going to Coney Island TWICE in 3 weeks (even went swimming), moving to my new apartment & most excitedly, spending a week popping around England hanging with my lovely comics peeps (paula, katie, hannah, thom, pete, sickerthanthou & many more)

Currently have a whirlwind of a weekend coming up as well: Journeying by bus (for the 1st time) down to the DC area for SPX! If anyone is headed there, be sure to check out the Saturday morning panel: British Comics: Does it Translate? with some awesome panelists including: ellen lindner, nick abadzis & luke pearson.

Speaking of ellen lindner, she’ll also be at the expo to promote the 2nd edition of The Strumpet–a Transoceanic Blaze of Comics Glory! If you haven’t yet picked up a copy of the 1st volume, swing by her booth to grab yours and also to sign up for the next edition. “But what if I’m not in the DC area, this weekend”? or “What if I promised to watch my good friend’s tiny tortoise this weekend & can’t make it?” Never fear. Just head over to the Strumpet’s Kickstarter page to pledge your support (and depending upon how much you pledge, you might even get a nifty tote bag or other treat).

You may wonder, “Why am I so excited about this 2nd edition of The Strumpet?” Well, aside from the fact that it brings together all in one volume an amazing array of comics done by awesome women such as: Robin Ha, Karrie Fransman & Jeremy Day (amongst others), the numbers might be done by yours truly…hey, everyone’s got to start somewhere!

new adventures & projects…

It’s been a hectic few weeks! Last week, I partially moved apartments and today, I am scheduled to complete the move…On top of all this, I had to go to Boston for about a week for work, sadly not so much for sightseeing. While moving and traveling often creates anxiety, there is also, always a feeling of excitement*–which is what I’ve been trying to be better at focusing upon.

As such, I haven’t been drawing as much as I would like to, but below I’ve just posted some of my doodles from the past couple of weeks. Enjoy your weekend!


*A big part of the excitement is that I will be going back to england at the end of august–yay! Going to get to catch up with, in person: many of my lovely friends from my “arvon adventure” and even get to meet some new ones–whom at this point, I’ve only interacted with via twitter and facebook–I am uber excited about this!